Whats wrong why it is constantly giving me message "stream error"
Whats wrong why it is constantly giving me message "stream error"
Crushes every time. Simply horrible!
Works only on WiFi. "Stream error" when on cellular network. Used to work before. Please fix it.
Works very good in 99% of time. On some days some streams are not working. Hope it is temporary. It is the only app so far which contains channel 1 (pervyi/1tv.ru) available watchable from outside Russian Federation. Not having my 5 star for rare but still appearing error "stream not available"
Please add support for Iphone 6 and 6+
In my opinion you have best russian tv application. Unlike kartina tv or etvnet its free and work on 3G and WiFi. Way to go!
Наконец-то удобно смотреть. Поддержка 3G i LTE! Highly recommended!!
Couldnt register. Requires. Registration, but where? It refers me to the other page where i must enter pass and login. I dont haveem
Tv ok,but this? A big Joke.please fix it,the app wouldnt even start
How to register? No option? Bug? Or joke ?
I have been using this app for some time. Its fast and easy to work with. Womans best friend :)
Bull sh
This App will not work! Immediately closing when try to open!
Thought Russians can do better. No way of getting this app to work. I wouldnt give even one star.
Can you make it work on iPhone 4. When I try to change date on any channel, dial (month, date, year) is transparent. Otherwise it works. Sorry but just 3 stars for this version. Archive does not work on iOS 8.1 on iPhone 5s
Doesn’t seem like all of the 160 or so channels actually show up through the app. We only see about half of the channels or so. Why is this happening???
After updating my iPhone to 8.1.3 program just stop working. Why?????
The app needs updating badly. When trying to access the channel archives the date menu crashes constantly. It does not work at all making archive access useless. Please fix asap.
Website says you can watch on iPad. iPhone Version I not a solution for iPad.
We have bestrussiantv more then 5 years and its bad on Mac OS, PC, Samsung Smart TV!!!! If you think Im lying you can contact to me !!!!